The goal of this website is a 1 stop place for all Disability Resources. Regardless if a person is new at learning about their Disability, or a Family/Friend is doing research for a loved one. We hope this will increase any knowledge you have. if there is a Resource that is not listed, please fill out the Contact Us Form.
As the owner of this small website, my name is Daniel Hawkins. I am DeafBlind with total vision loss and some hearing loss. My sister also contribute to this website. Jen is also DeafBlind with total Vision loss and hearing loss. We can communicate by tactile ASL but if the room is quiet enough, we can hear each other. Jen have been DeafBlind for much longer than I have. I went Total Blind in 2013 and never looked back. With the skills both Jen and I have gained over the years, we would like to share that with others. Feel free to explore this site and Contact Us if you have any questions. We would love to hear your feedback!
Explore Different Categories
If you notice the navigation links at the top of the page, there are different categories that you can explore. Adaptive Technology is all about all the cool toys we can use to be more independent. Adaptive Living is all the tips and tricks on what we have learned that can help make our lives better. There is a Resource section that when expanded will list all resources I have found that you may find useful. They are broken down by categories by disability and further broken down by type of resource. I am always open for ideas or just contact me if you have any questions.